Panorama view of Helsinki, Hotel Kämp in the middle.

Recently refurbished guest room.

The Mirror Salon floor.

The reception area.

Part of the 258 square metre Mannerheim Suite.

Bathroom in the Mannerheim Suite.

The Kämp Bar.

The Mirror Salon.

The Mirror Salon.

Setting the table.

The Brasserie.

Entrance to the hotel.

The hotel façade seen from the Esplanadi park.

The Kämp façade and the statue to the poet J. L. Runeberg in the Esplanadi park.

Maxim Cinema sign facing the Kämp entrance.

Ice skaters and the Ateneum art museum during light art festival LUX Helsinki.

The shopping mall Galleria Esplanad.

The Brasserie.

The Upper Lounge.